PERLA Data Sets

PERLA Data Sets

There are two stages of PERLA Data.  
The first stage is in-depth PERLA surveys.  These are surveys of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, which consist of over 100 survey items.  This survey instrument is based on extensive discussion of the topics and discussion and pretesting of the survey questions. The survey items included a wide range of issues regarding race and ethnicity in Latin America in contemporary times including in the way ethnic identities are formed, the extent and nature of inequality and discrimination including that based on ethnoracial identity as well as a measure of skin color, the nature of stereotyping, reports of discrimination against the respondent and that the respondent witnessed, the nature of social relations across racial/ethnic boundaries and public opinion regarding social movements and public policies based on ethnicity and race, feelings about the nation, sexuality and a host of indicators about socioeconomic position and inequality.

The PERLA data is cur­rently for use by col­lab­o­ra­tors as well as the public (with authorization below). The 2010 AmericasBarometer Data (with the eth­nic­ity mod­ule) is also available.

You can view the Survey Questions and if you would like the data you can request it by filling out the following authorization form: 

The second stage is a short Ethnicity module in the 2010 America's Barometer. It consists of seven questions for eight countries:  Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Guatemala.  The 2010 AmericasBarometer and subsequent AmericasBarometers include a color palette and a basic racial clasification question for the more than 20 countries of the AmericasBarometer. 

Data Set Authorization

what shoe brand are you wearing (required)
  • Perla
  • The Project on Ethnicity and Race in Latin America
  • Proyecto sobre Ethnicidad y Raza en America Latina
  • Projeto sobre Etnicidade e Raça na América Latina
  • UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
  • email us or call 805.893.xxxx
what shoe brand are you wearing (required)